Sunday, January 24, 2010

Still on temp hiatus

this seems to be a re-occuring theme...water splotches on a windshield at night

Saturday, January 23, 2010

We will soon return you to your regularly scheduled program

so this was the first of several (or more) lame photos...but this one really did look cool on the screen of my camera - which makes me think of the photo exhibit where the exhibit had the photos in trays of water and under darkroom lights - i wish i could think of who it was (i even did a search and couldnt find it)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


it has been a hectic day...just part of a stressful week...but thanks to matt, i have a photo to post and have not broken my streak :D

i really enjoyed spending time together! i'm glad you want to learn how to make popcorn and are going to keep coming back. love you! and thanks for looking at my blog.

Monday, January 18, 2010

on your marks....

as part of my many things that i hope to change/improve this year...keeping our home better ... cleaner, neater...etc. is near the top of the list (i am an AWFUL housekeeper)...several bloggers shared their methods for keeping house : doing a small list of cleaning/organizing each day (same "agenda" each week)....and today was kitchen day....i have been working at it all day (and not feeling like there is much to show for it)...oh well....gotta try something, gotta start somewhere...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

are those raindrops ... or...?

i really like this one. there was a photography book that i saw once (before kids when we used to go spend hours in the book stores) that was all streaks of colors from motion blur taken from car windows (at least i think thats what it was)...i tried to find it to link to it...not going to happen tonight.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

faster than the speed of light

this photo is a perfect depiction of noelle...she is constantly in motion! ... i had to try to take this a bunch of times because i couldnt even get her to stay within the frame...she is one energy filled, busy gal.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010


so, how many days into this am i? (day 9 - i just checked) ... and i almost threw in the towel...i have a few photos that i took - i haven't decided which i will post... with a major limiting factor of 4 walls - i don't know how i will EVER come up with a photo a day through the winter... ok so i know the problem is that i want each and every photo to be interesting...if its not perfect i hate doing it...BUT i'm not going to quit just yet (hey and i can tell myself kelly is counting on me, im not ready to let her (you) down).... i will probably ask jeff to choose which to post.... be continued.

part duex

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

should've was a crappy i hadn't done my photo - hadn't even taken one let alone one worth posting..i was going to cheat and use an extra one from yesterday (since they day is almost over, my hands are full, and i just don't feel like it...)...but i decided to try anyhow... also not going to make it to the top 10 (but i can say the rejects were worse) ... i hope tomorrow is better...i really am hoping to feel like i have a few things on track by the end of the month...that would really make a difference...

with all the beautiful snow that has been much as i hate the cold...i really really want to spend some time in the park photographing....i love the muffled silence....and i also want to go sled riding and i want to photograph the kids sledding, etc. ... just like so many other things right now, i want to be able to do it all ... do it all at the same time ...and do it all right now

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


snowflakes are so amazing! i love when you can see each individual one in all of its glory... i wish i could take photographs like this...

simply amazing!

Monday, January 11, 2010


thought i'd better get this one posted...because today ... well isnt going so there *brushing off hands* done...che-eck.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

nailed's photo is not going to be up for the top 10 strong images of the year really disappointed...but i was having a moment of "shyness" and didnt take the time to get the photo that i wanted... i definitely have a issue with self-consciousness - especially with my photography...and even doing this daily thing is causing me to stretch this year (i can't stand to not be a fabulous photographer since i went to school for it...its hard for me to admit how jealous i am when there are so many untrained people who take more fabulous photos than me)...but perhaps this will be a year of stretching...i have several areas that i hope to be able to say that i improved in before the end of the year...thank goodness i have lots of time to work on it...and matt, yes, i am going to try to write more about the photos to instead of just posting them (though that is what i would rather do)

tonight i went to small group...i am very excited to get to know this group of people/friends better (yes even those i am related to)...and hopefully learn some important stuff too....anyhow, small group meets in the youth room and my guess is that the kids nailed things that they wanted to give to jesus to the cross...i thought it looked cool...apparently so did our group leader...he showed me that he took a photo of it too (i liked his better - *sigh*)

Saturday, January 09, 2010

3... 3....3 for the price of one

(or "i am a horrible decision maker")

so....i couldn't decide which version to post...i think i like the last one best (used the auto-age button on my camera - much faster that doing it manually on photoshop -hmm...can it be considered manual when done with a computer?) what do you think?

Friday, January 08, 2010


so a few months ago, i noticed this is our neighbors yard...curious.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

so it goes

so, this isn't the photo i wanted to post today...the image i WANTED to post, i saw on the way to take jonas to school...little birdies in the snow...i take my camera with me virtually everywhere...but never on the way to, i do not have that image...have this one instead :(

hello, 2010

so...after contemplating it for many years (though not every year) i am going to try to take a post a photo a day for this whole year...since i am already behind (though i just decided today)...there are a few bonus images in today's post (i am counting this as wednesday) a hungry monkey, gotta run.